
技術(shù)熱線: 4007-888-234

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更新時間: 2019-01-05

GB 2313-1993 管形熒光燈鎮(zhèn)流器一般要求和安全要求  
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps general and safety requirements    
GB/T 3978-1994 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)照明體及照明觀測條件  
Standard illuminants and illuminating-viewing conditions  
GB/T 5700-1985 室內(nèi)照明測量方法  
Measurement methods for interior lightimg  
GB 7248-1987 電光源的安全要求  
Safety requirements of electrical light source  
GB/T 7249-1987 普通照明燈泡的最大外形尺寸  
Maximum lamp outlines for general lightimg lamps  
GB/T 7451-1987 電光源名詞  
Electric light source vocabulary  
GB/T 7922-1987 照明光源顏色的測量方法  
Methods of measuring the colour of lignt source  
GB/T 8417-1987 燈光信號顏色  
Colors of light signals  
GB 10681-1989 普通照明燈泡  

General service incandescent lamp  
GB 10682-1989 普通照明用管形熒光燈  
Tubular fluorescent lamps for general liglitimg  
GB 10976-1989 正面放映設(shè)備 銀幕照度測量方法  
Front projection equipment Method for measuring screen illumination  
GB/T 11470-1989 電光源產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量分等分級指標(biāo)  
The criteria of quality-control and classification of electric lamps 

GB/T 13259-1991 高壓鈉燈泡  
High pressure sodium lamps  
GB/T13434-1992 高壓鈉燈泡特性的測試方法   T
est method for H.P.S. lamps  
GB/T 14044-1993 管形熒光燈鎮(zhèn)流器性能要求  
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps performance requirements  
GB 14045-1993 放電燈(管形熒光燈除外)用鎮(zhèn)流器的一般要求和安全要求   Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps)general and safety requirements  
GB/T 14046-1993 鐵路信號燈泡    
Lamps for railway signal  
GB/T 14094-1993 鹵鎢燈  
Tungsten halogen lamps  
GB 14196-1993 普通照明燈泡的安全要求  
Safety requirements for tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lightimg purposes  
GB 15039-1994 發(fā)光強(qiáng)度、總光通量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)燈泡

Standard lamps for the measurment of luminous intensity and luminous flux  
GB 15040-1994 普通測光標(biāo)準(zhǔn)燈泡  
Photometric standard lamp for general lightimg service  
GB/T 15041 –1994 高壓短弧氙燈  
High pressure xenon short arc lamp  
GB/T 15042-1994 高壓鈉燈泡用鎮(zhèn)流器性能要求  
Ballast for high pressure sodium lamp property requirement  
GB/T 15043-1994 白熾燈泡光電參數(shù)的測量方法  
Methods for measuring electrical and luminous parameters of incandescent lamps  
GB/T 15143-1994 管形熒光燈用交流電子鎮(zhèn)流器一般要求和安全要求  
A.C.supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps-General and safety requirements

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